Electronic production


We will need a some software for this week. First of all we will need Autodesk Eagel. Again this is free for students. Gimp, what is always free and the Arduino IDE.


At the start we need to make two images. One from the inside of the PCB and one from the outside. For this we open the board file with Autodesk Eagle. There you will see many description we don't need at this point. To remove we use the layer function. There you can select which layer should be shown and which should not. After this we can export the Image. Now Open it with gimp. Here need to change to picture to black and white.




After finishing the bare board we started to solder the components on it. I had some issues doing this but only with rising experience you can get better. My final result wont win any beauty price but it works. I stared with the micro controller, because if you mess this one up you can throw away the entire board. There for it is recommendable to do this first, this can save a lot of time. Best practice while soldering is also to heat up both elements and then put on the solder. You don’t need to be quick. It is more important to it with some sense. Sadly I forgot to make a picture.

The milling machine

The image then got pushed into the milling machine. The first step was to engrave the links between the components. For this were the inside image. Avery fine drill was used for this. It was not to allowed to dig to deep into the material. Due to possible damage to the machine. To cut it out we used the second image, outside. We had to change drill to a more rough one so it could dig deeper without harming the machine.

After finishing the bare board we had to solder the components. I had some issues doing this but only with rising experience you can get better. My final result wont win any beauty price but it works.


Now we had to install the code. For this we used an Arduino IDE.

1. Connect the arduino uno to the pc
2. Select the right port and the arduino uno board under tools
3. Under file > examples find and open the arduino as isp sketch
4. Upload the sketch to the arduino
5. Disconnect the arduino from the pc
6. Connect the hello board with the arduino
7. Connect the arduino to the pc
8. Select the right board/processor/frequency -> attiny25/45/85, attiny45, internal 8mhz 9. Under tools select the arduino as isp programmer
10. Click to tools > burn bootloader
11. Go to file > examples > basics > blink or write your own program
12. Replace the variables. In my case the "LED_BUILTIN" should be "2"
13. To program the board do sketch > upload using programmer
